
               author = "Amaral, Jairo Cavalcanti",
                title = "An{\'a}lise, Projeto e simula{\c{c}}{\~a}o de uma arquitetura 
                         de controle reconfigur{\'a}vel para a plataforma 
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2009",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2008-02-28",
             keywords = "plataforma multisess{\~a}o (PMM), subsistema de controle de 
                         atitude, sistemas de controle, reconfigurabilidade, m{\'a}quinas 
                         de estado, multimission plataform (MMP), attitude control system, 
                         control systems, reconfigurability, state machines.",
             abstract = "O objetivo deste trabalho {\'e} apresentar a an{\'a}lise, 
                         projeto e simula{\c{c}}{\~a}o de uma arquitetura de controle 
                         reconfigur{\'a}vel para a Plataforma Multi-Miss{\~a}o. O 
                         desenvolvimento e os testes foram feitos usando o software MatrixX 
                         para demonstrar o desempenho dos projetos adotados. As 
                         especifica{\c{c}}{\~o}es que n{\~a}o puderam ser encontradas na 
                         literatura foram projetadas para as simula{\c{c}}{\~o}es. As 
                         condi{\c{c}}{\~o}es e os casos para as simula{\c{c}}{\~o}es 
                         deram {\^e}nfase aos piores casos poss{\'{\i}}veis. Os 
                         resultados mostraram que de uma forma geral, com a arquitetura e 
                         com os modelos adotados, a Plataforma Multi-Miss{\~a}o pode 
                         cumprir as especifica{\c{c}}{\~o}es de miss{\~a}o. ABSTRACT: 
                         The objective of this work is to present the analysis, design and 
                         simulation of a reconfigurable control architecture for the 
                         Multi-Mission Platform. The development and the tests were done 
                         using the MatrixX software to demonstrate the performance of the 
                         projects adopted. The specifications that could not be found in 
                         the literature were designed for the simulations. The conditions 
                         and the cases for the simulations emphasized the worst possible 
                         cases. The results shown that in general, with the adopted 
                         architecture and models, the Multi-Mission Platform was able to 
                         accomplish the mission specifications.",
            committee = "Ricci, Mario Cesar (presidente) and Souza, Marcelo Lopes de 
                         Oliveira e (orientador) and Milani, Paulo Gi{\'a}como and Silva, 
                         Adenilson Roberto da and Tasinaffo, Paulo Marcelo",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
         englishtitle = "Analysis design and simulation of a reconfigurable control 
                         architecture for simulation for the multi-mission plataform",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "149",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP8W/349LRHS",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP8W/349LRHS",
        urlaccessdate = "16 jun. 2024"
