
               author = "Gouveia, Carolina Daniel",
                title = "Avalia{\c{c}}{\~a}o de extremos clim{\'a}ticos na Am{\'e}rica 
                         do Sul para v{\'a}rios n{\'{\i}}veis de aquecimento global 
                         gerados pelos modelos do HELIX: quantifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o de 
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2024",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2023-11-17",
             keywords = "mudan{\c{c}}as clim{\'a}ticas, proje{\c{c}}{\~o}es, 
                         incertezas, n{\'{\i}}veis de aquecimento espec{\'{\i}}fico, 
                         climate changes, projections, uncertainties, specific warming 
             abstract = "As mudan{\c{c}}as no clima s{\~a}o evidentes e as 
                         proje{\c{c}}{\~o}es indicam aumento nos valores m{\'e}dios e 
                         nos extremos clim{\'a}ticos durante o s{\'e}culo XXI. 
                         Regi{\~o}es como a Am{\'e}rica do Sul (AS) ser{\~a}o as mais 
                         afetadas pelas mudan{\c{c}}as, principalmente relacionadas aos 
                         extremos, uma vez que s{\~a}o marginalizadas e desestruturadas 
                         para suportar essas mudan{\c{c}}as. As proje{\c{c}}{\~o}es 
                         provenientes de modelos, por mais que possuam grades refinadas e 
                         boa representa{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos processos que comp{\~o}em o 
                         Sistema Terrestre, possuem incertezas associadas, fazendo-se 
                         necess{\'a}rio conhec{\^e}las. Assim, este trabalho tem como 
                         objetivo analisar as proje{\c{c}}{\~o}es de extremos 
                         clim{\'a}ticos dos modelos pertencentes ao High-End cLimate 
                         Impacts and eXtremes (HELIX) para a Am{\'e}rica do Sul nos 
                         n{\'{\i}}veis de aquecimento espec{\'{\i}}fico (SWLs) de 1,5 
                         °C, 2 °C e 4 °C, quantificando as incertezas e impactos 
                         associados. A avalia{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos modelos mostra que o 
                         ensemble ECEARTH3- HR superestima dias secos consecutivos (CDD) na 
                         regi{\~a}o central do Brasil e mostra vieses positivos sobre os 
                         Andes para dias de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o intensa acima de 10 mm 
                         (R10mm), dias muito {\'u}midos (R95p) e m{\'a}ximo de 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o em 5 dias {{(Rx5Day);}} enquanto as 
                         maiores subestimativas est{\~a}o sobre a regi{\~a}o equatorial 
                         para os extremos de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o (exceto CDD). Para o 
                         ensemble HadGEM3, as subestimativas tamb{\'e}m est{\~a}o sobre a 
                         faixa equatorial e Amaz{\^o}nia (AMZ) para os mesmos 
                         {\'{\i}}ndices, e sobre o semi{\'a}rido nordestino para 
                         {{CDD;}} j{\'a} as superestimativas de R95p e Rx5Day s{\~a}o 
                         observadas sobre o Sul/Sudeste (S/SEB) e pa{\'{\i}}ses 
                         adjacentes. Em rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o aos {\'{\i}}ndices de 
                         temperatura, as rean{\'a}lises do ERA-5 e do MERRA-2 s{\~a}o 
                         melhor representadas pelo EC-EARTH3-HR em todo o territ{\'o}rio 
                         (exceto AMZ), sendo os maiores vieses para HadGEM3. A habilidade 
                         dos modelos em simular as observa{\c{c}}{\~o}es e 
                         rean{\'a}lises foi obtida atrav{\'e}s do Diagrama de Taylor e 
                         mostra maiores acur{\'a}cias das rodadas do EC_EARTH3-HR em 
                         representar todos os {\'{\i}}ndices, exceto CDD e noites muito 
                         frias (TN10p). Os {\'{\i}}ndices de temperatura t{\^e}m os 
                         menores vieses (n{\~a}o-significativos), apresentando desempenhos 
                         mais satisfat{\'o}rios em simular o presente quando comparados 
                         aos {\'{\i}}ndices de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o (vieses 
                         significativos). Em rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o {\`a}s 
                         proje{\c{c}}{\~o}es para o s{\'e}culo XXI, os resultados 
                         mostram mudan{\c{c}}as mais intensas e abrangentes para HadGEM3 
                         em compara{\c{c}}{\~a}o ao ECEARTH3- HR. Para extremos de 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o, as proje{\c{c}}{\~o}es evidenciam 
                         escassez de chuvas no Nordeste (NEB) e leste da AMZ, aumento de 
                         CDD no central do Brasil e Andes, e eleva{\c{c}}{\~a}o das 
                         chuvas sobre o oeste da AMZ, Sul do Brasil e norte da Argentina. 
                         Por{\'e}m, tais mudan{\c{c}}as s{\~a}o n{\~a}o-significativas 
                         e abrangem quase a totalidade da {\'a}rea nos 3 SWLs. J{\'a} 
                         para os extremos de temperatura, as proje{\c{c}}{\~o}es 
                         evidenciam aumento dos extremos quentes e diminui{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         dos extremos frios, em particular sobre a regi{\~a}o AMZ. Tais 
                         mudan{\c{c}}as sofrer{\~a}o intensifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o e 
                         expans{\~a}o na dire{\c{c}}{\~a}o sul da AS com o aumento de 
                         SWL, sendo significativamente robustas para todos os 
                         {\'{\i}}ndices (exceto dura{\c{c}}{\~a}o de ondas de calor - 
                         WSDI) quando aquecido 4 °C. Adicionalmente, as incertezas 
                         apresentaram maior variabilidade interna de CDD sobre o Sudeste, 
                         Centro-Oeste e litoral norte do NEB, e no S/SEB e Centro-Oeste 
                         para {\'{\i}}ndices {{{\'u}midos;}} enquanto a variabilidade 
                         dos modelos aumenta com o n{\'{\i}}vel de aquecimento, se 
                         tornando dominante no total de incertezas em SWL 4.0 (90% do 
                         total). Para os extremos de temperatura, ambas as variabilidades 
                         s{\~a}o mais pronunciadas na regi{\~a}o tropical e menos sobre a 
                         Argentina, sendo as incertezas dos modelos tamb{\'e}m 
                         predominantes no total, por{\'e}m essa variabilidade diminui com 
                         SWL (exceto para dias muito quentes - TX90p - e WSDI). Por fim, a 
                         rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o Sinal-Ru{\'{\i}}do indica alta 
                         confiabilidade das proje{\c{c}}{\~o}es de dias de 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o intensa acima de 30 mm (R30mm) para 
                         grande parte da AS, enquanto h{\'a} alta confiabilidade de 
                         diminui{\c{c}}{\~a}o de TN10p e dias muito frios (TX10p) sobre 
                         toda AS, e aumento de noites muito quentes (TN90p) para a faixa 
                         central e restante do continente, quando o incremento for de 4 °C, 
                         evidenciando assim a import{\^a}ncia de limitar o aquecimento 
                         global em 2 °C. ABSTRACT: Climate changes are evident and 
                         projections indicate an increase in average values and climate 
                         extremes during the 21st century. Regions such as South America 
                         (SA) will be the most affected by changes, mainly related to 
                         extremes, since they are marginalized and unstructured to support 
                         these changes. Projections from models, even though they have 
                         refined grids and good representation of the processes that make 
                         up the Earth System, have associated uncertainties, making it 
                         necessary to know them. Therefore, this work aims to analyze the 
                         projections of climate extremes from models belonging to the 
                         High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes (HELIX) for South America at 
                         specific warming levels (SWLs) of 1.5 °C, 2 °C and 4 °C, 
                         quantifying the associated uncertainties and impacts. The model 
                         evaluation shows that the ECEARTH3- HR ensemble overestimates 
                         consecutive dry days (CDD) in the central region of Brazil and 
                         shows positive biases over the Andes for days with intense 
                         precipitation above 10 mm (R10mm), very humid days (R95p ) and 
                         maximum precipitation in 5 days {{(Rx5Day);}} while the largest 
                         underestimates are over the equatorial region for precipitation 
                         extremes (except CDD). For the HadGEM3 ensemble, the 
                         underestimates are also over the equatorial belt and the Amazon 
                         (AMZ) for the same indices, and over the northeastern semi-arid 
                         region for {{CDD;}} overestimates of R95p and Rx5Day are observed 
                         over the South/Southeast (S/SEB) and adjacent countries. Regarding 
                         temperature indices, the ERA-5 and MERRA-2 reanalyses are best 
                         represented by EC-EARTH3-HR across the entire territory (except 
                         AMZ), with the largest biases being for HadGEM3. The ability of 
                         the models to simulate observations and reanalysis was obtained 
                         through the Taylor Diagram and shows greater accuracies of the 
                         EC-EARTH3-HR runs in representing all indices, except CDD and very 
                         cold nights (TN10p). Temperature indices have the smallest biases 
                         (non-significant), presenting more satisfactory performances in 
                         simulating the present when compared to precipitation indices 
                         (significant biases). Regarding projections for the 21st century, 
                         the results show more intense and comprehensive changes for 
                         HadGEM3 compared to EC-EARTH3-HR. For precipitation extremes, 
                         projections show a lack of rainfall in the Northeast (NEB) and 
                         east of the AMZ, an increase in CDD in central Brazil and the 
                         Andes, and an increase in rainfall over the west of the AMZ, 
                         southern Brazil and northern Argentina. However, such changes are 
                         non-significant and cover almost the entire area in the 3 SWLs. As 
                         for temperature extremes, projections show an increase in hot 
                         extremes and a decrease in cold extremes, particularly over the 
                         AMZ region. Such changes will intensify and expand towards the 
                         south of SA with the increase in SWL, being significantly robust 
                         for all indices (except heat wave duration - WSDI) when heated by 
                         4 °C. Additionally, the uncertainties presented greater internal 
                         variability of CDD over the Southeast, Central-West and northern 
                         coast of the NEB, and in the S/SEB and Central-West for humid 
                         {{indices;}} while the variability of the models increases with 
                         the level of warming, becoming dominant in the total uncertainties 
                         in SWL 4.0 (90% of the total). For temperature extremes, both 
                         variabilities are more pronounced in the tropical region and less 
                         over Argentina, with model uncertainties also predominant in 
                         total, but this variability decreases with SWL (except for very 
                         hot days - TX90p - and WSDI). Finally, the Signal-to-Noise ratio 
                         indicates high reliability of projections of days with intense 
                         precipitation above 30 mm (R30mm) for a large part of SA, while 
                         there is high reliability of a decrease in TN10p and very cold 
                         days (TX10p) over all of SA, and an increase in very hot nights 
                         (TN90p) for the central region and the rest of the continent, when 
                         the increase is 4 °C, thus highlighting the importance of limiting 
                         global warming to 2 °C.",
            committee = "Chan, Chou Sin (presidente) and Orsini, Jos{\'e} Antonio Marengo 
                         (orientador) and Fisch, Gilberto Fernando and Calheiros, 
                         S{\^a}mia Regina Garcia and Ambrizzi, T{\'e}rcio",
         englishtitle = "Evaluation of climate extremes in South America for various global 
                         warming levels generated by HELIX models: quantification of 
             language = "pt",
                pages = "133",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34T/4A9TNBP",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34T/4A9TNBP",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "03 jun. 2024"
