
               author = "Marani, Luciano and Alval{\'a}, Pl{\'{\i}}nio Carlos",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Influ{\^e}ncia de fatores ambientais em fluxo de metano no 
                         Pantanal Sul-Matogrossense",
            booktitle = "Anais...",
                 year = "2006",
         organization = "Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 14.",
             keywords = "Emiss{\~a}o de metano, {\'A}reas Alagadas.",
             abstract = "O metano tem um importante papel na qu{\'{\i}}mica da troposfera 
                         e estratosfera e na transfer{\^e}ncia de radia{\c{c}}{\~a}o. A 
                         maioria do CH4 {\'e} produzida microbiologicamente sob 
                         condi{\c{c}}{\~o}es anaer{\'o}bicas. As {\'a}reas alagadas 
                         naturais s{\~a}o a principal fonte de metano para a atmosfera. 
                         Neste trabalho, apresentamos os resultados de oito campanhas 
                         realizadas, durante os anos de 2004 e 2005, na regi{\~a}o do Rio 
                         Miranda, dentro da regi{\~a}o do Pantanal. Os fluxos de metano 
                         foram determinados usando a t{\'e}cnica de c{\'u}pula 
                         est{\'a}tica. Algumas vari{\'a}veis que podem afetar as 
                         emiss{\~o}es de metano, como a profundidade da {\'a}gua, pH e 
                         potencial de oxiredu{\c{c}}{\~a}o foram medidas. O fluxo 
                         m{\'e}dio, obtido a partir de 562 fluxos v{\'a}lidos, foi de 133 
                         ± 393 mgCH4m-2d-1. A libera{\c{c}}{\~a}o de metano para a 
                         atmosfera acontece principalmente atrav{\'e}s do fluxo ebulitivo 
                         (atrav{\'e}s de bolhas), correspondendo a mais de 90% do fluxo 
                         total, com pequena parcela atrav{\'e}s de fluxo difusivo. 
                         Vari{\'a}veis ambientais como profundidade e 
                         estratifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o da coluna d{\'a}gua mostraram ser um 
                         fator decisivo na emiss{\~a}o de metano por bolhas, e os fluxos 
                         difusivos mais intensos ocorreram em {\'a}guas com as menores 
                         concentra{\c{c}}{\~o}es de oxig{\^e}nio dissolvido. ABSTRACT: 
                         Methane has an important role in tropospheric and stratospheric 
                         chemistry in the radiation transfer. The majority of CH4 is 
                         produced microbially under anaerobic conditions. Natural wetlands 
                         are the principal source of methane to the atmosphere. In this 
                         work we present the results of eight campaigns those were 
                         performed during 2004 and 2005 near the Miranda River, inside the 
                         Brazilian Pantanal region. The methane fluxes were determined 
                         using the static chamber technique. Some environmental variables 
                         that may affect methane emissions, such as the water depth, pH and 
                         redox potential were also measured. The overall average flux from 
                         the 562 valid measured fluxes was of 133 ± 393 mgCH4m-2d-1. The 
                         losses by bubbling dominate the methane release to the atmosphere, 
                         account up to more than 90% of the total flux, with short part 
                         through diffusive flux. Environmental variables like water depth 
                         and the presence of stratification on the water column seems to be 
                         an important factor in the methane emission by bubbles, and the 
                         more intense diffusive fluxes was occurred under condition of 
                         lowest concentrations of dissolved oxygen.",
  conference-location = "Florian{\'o}polis, SC",
      conference-year = "27 nov - 01 dez.",
                label = "self-archiving-INPE-MCTIC-GOV-BR",
             language = "pt",
           targetfile = "marani_influencia.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "15 jun. 2024"
