
%0 Conference Proceedings
%4 dpi.inpe.br/sbsr@80/2006/
%2 dpi.inpe.br/sbsr@80/2006/
%@isbn 978-85-17-00031-7
%T Análise da vulnerabilidade natural à perda de solo do Município de Fátima – TO
%D 2007
%A Arruda, Warley da Costa,
%A Dias, Ricardo Ribeiro,
%A Pereira, Eduardo Quirino,
%@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia – INPA
%@affiliation Universidade Federal do Tocantins – UFT
%@affiliation Secretaria do Planejamento e Meio Ambiental - SEPLAN-TO
%@electronicmailaddress warleyarruda@hotmail.com
%@electronicmailaddress ricdias@uft.edu.br
%@electronicmailaddress quirino@seplan.to.gov.br
%E Epiphanio, José Carlos Neves,
%E Galvão, Lênio Soares,
%E Fonseca, Leila Maria Garcia,
%B Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 13 (SBSR).
%C Florianópolis
%8 21-26 abr. 2007
%I Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%J São José dos Campos
%P 5083-5089
%S Anais
%1 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%K remote sensing, GIS, vulnerability, watersheds, sensoriamento remoto, SIG, vulnerabilidade.
%X This paper aim describes the method planned to ecological-economic zoning (ZEE) and applied in a cerrado environment. The methodology for studying the vulnerability in the municipality of Fátima (TO) was based on Tricart's ecodynamic concepts (Tricart, 1977), on the Ecological and Economical Zoning integrated studies developed in Crepani et al. (2001). The digital processing of the Landsat images was used as ananchorfor editing the Information Layers and for building the data base. Spatial analyses were carried out with the Spring and ArcGis. The results of the analysis obtained areas classified as middling stable/vulnerable to the natural erosion process (78,07%), moderately vulnerable (9,78%), vulnerable (2,7%) and moderately stable (9,45%).
%9 Planejamento Urbano e Regional
%@language pt
%3 5083-5089.pdf
