
             abstract = "This study analyzes the cloud cover, the precipitation and the 
                         thermodynamics features observed in the Southwestern Amazonia 
                         during the pre-wet season. The dataset gathered for this study was 
                         collected during the Radiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions in 
                         the Amazonia during the dry-to-wet transition season/LBA 
                         (RACCI/LBA) campaign that occurred in September-November of 2002 
                         in Rondonia State. Radiosonde, rainfall data, GOES satellite 
                         images and radar reflectivity CAPPIs from the TECTELCOM ground 
                         weather radar were examined to describe the main characteristics 
                         observed during the beginning of the wet season. Thermodynamic 
                         parameters like, CAPE, moist static energy, CINE, boundary layer 
                         humidity divergence were used to describe the cloud cover and 
                         precipitation evolution from the dry to wet raining season. Larger 
                         CAPE values were found during the pre-wet season than during the 
                         beginning of the regular wet season, however, those events were 
                         less often than during the end of October - beginning of November. 
                         Total cloud cover did not show any clear difference between both 
                         periods. However, convective cloud and rain fraction show a 
                         remarkable increase from one period to another. CAPPI fields from 
                         2 km up to 18 km show differences in the convection intensity 
                         between pre and regular wet season. The cloud cover organization 
                         is also analyzed through the description of the life cycle of 
                         mesoscale convective system from dry to wet and in the regular 
                         raining season. Finally, the diurnal cycle of the thermodynamic 
                         variables and cloud characteristics are also described for both 
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)/CPTEC}",
               author = "Machado, Luiz Augusto Toledo and Morales, Carlos Augusto and 
                         Laurent, Henri and Angelis, Carlos Frederico",
                 city = "Brasilia",
       conferencename = "Conferencia Cientifica do LBA, 3.",
                 date = "27-29 jul.",
             keywords = "Amazonia, cloud, precipitation, themodynamics.",
             language = "English",
                  ibi = "sid.inpe.br/ePrint@1905/2005/",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/sid.inpe.br/ePrint@1905/2005/",
           targetfile = "Machado_Dry_to_wet_seasonLBA2004.pdf",
                title = "Dry to Wet Season: Cloud cover, precipitation and thermodynamics 
                 year = "2004",
        urlaccessdate = "19 set. 2024"
