
               author = "Cabral, Alexandre Pereira and Vianna, Marcio Luiz and Gherardi, 
                         Douglas Francisco Marcolino",
                title = "Global Change Effects on Early Holocene Sedimentation of the 
                         Brazilian Continental Shelf Determined from TM-LANDSAT 5 data of 
                         the Seafloor",
            booktitle = "Proceedings...",
                 year = "1991",
                pages = "935--946",
         organization = "International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 24.",
            publisher = "ERIM",
              address = "Ann Arbor",
             keywords = "Meteorology, Remote Sensing--Brazil, Satellites, Brazilian 
                         continental shelf, Global change effects, Holocene sedimentation, 
             abstract = "A study of the shaping of the seafloor morphology on the Brazilian 
                         continental shelf probably caused by abrupt climatic changes in 
                         the beginning of the Holocene is being made with the use of 
                         TM-LANDSAT 5 Data. Special emphasis is given on analysis of an 
                         ancient shoreface at 20m depth, correlated with abrupt global 
                         climate change between 8000-10000 B.P., and on mapping of 
                         sedimentary deposits, which were first described by TM-LANDSAT 
                         imagery. The transport of a quatz sand deposit by unidirectional 
                         currents through time will also be described, together with the 
                         description of presentday active sandwave fields at the 20m 
                         isobath. Two images were used (path/row 214/64 and 215/63, sites 
                         at northeast Brazilian coast), corresponding to two dates: 1984 
                         and 1989. Geometric correction, filter application (striping 
                         minimization)and contrast enhancement were automatically 
                         performed. A gray level slicing image classification technique was 
                         conducted to obtain the preliminary bottom composition chart. 
                         Field work included samples collection from the soft bottom and 
                         beachrock reefs, in areas selected by examination of the final 
                         image products. A Geographical Information System was used to 
                         insert bathymetric and geological data into the analysis system. 
                         The GIS products were registered with the thematic images. The 
                         association of TM data, GIS products and field data helped in the 
                         preliminary sedimentological characterization of the area. Five 
                         bottom types were characterized: fine and coarse sand, coral/algal 
                         bioherms, beachrock reefs and foliaceous algal fields. A 
                         comparison between '84 and '89 images permit us to analyze the 
                         migration pattern of the sand waves, along a five-year period.",
  conference-location = "Rio de Janeiro, BR",
      conference-year = "27-31 May 1991",
                 issn = "02755505",
                label = "6306",
             language = "en",
         organisation = "ERIM",
           targetfile = "INPE 6804.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "20 abr. 2024"
