
               author = "Santos, S{\'e}rgio Rodrigo Quadros and Braga, C{\'e}lia Campos 
                         and Sansigolo, Cl{\'o}vis Angeli and Santos, Ana Paula Paes dos",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and 
                         {Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de 
                         Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Determina{\c{c}}{\~a}o de regi{\~o}es homog{\^e}neas do 
                         {\'{\I}}ndice de Precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o Normalizada (SPI) na 
                         Amaz{\^o}nia Oriental",
              journal = "Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia",
                 year = "2017",
               volume = "32",
               number = "1",
                pages = "111--122",
             keywords = "Amaz{\^o}nia, precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o, regi{\~o}es 
                         homog{\^e}neas, SPI, ACP, Amazon, rainfall, homogeneous regions, 
                         SPI, PCA.",
             abstract = "O presente estudo objetiva determinar Regi{\~o}es homog{\^e}neas 
                         do SPI-6 na Amaz{\^o}nia Oriental e analisar as principais 
                         caracter{\'{\i}}sticas dos eventos secos e chuvosos em cada 
                         regi{\~a}o. Para o c{\'a}lculo do SPI, utilizou-se dados de 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o de 72 postos pluviom{\'e}tricos 
                         distribu{\'{\i}}dos na Amaz{\^o}nia Oriental. Al{\'e}m disso, 
                         aplicou-se o Agrupamento Hier{\'a}rquico de Ward para determinar 
                         as Regi{\~o}es Homog{\^e}neas e a An{\'a}lise Fatorial em 
                         Componentes Principais (ACP) para determinar os principais 
                         padr{\~o}es de variabilidade clim{\'a}ticas associados aos 
                         eventos secos e chuvosos. Os resultados obtidos pela An{\'a}lise 
                         de Agrupamento mostraram a exist{\^e}ncia de tr{\^e}s 
                         Regi{\~o}es Homog{\^e}neas em rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o ao SPI-6: RH-1 
                         (litoral), RH-2 (central) e RH-3 (sul). De modo geral a 
                         regi{\~a}o do litoral apresentou mais eventos secos que chuvosos. 
                         Nas demais regi{\~o}es (central e sul) a situa{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         {\'e} inversa, isto {\'e}, existem mais eventos de chuva, 
                         por{\'e}m com pouca dura{\c{c}}{\~a}o. Por meio da ACP 
                         verificou-se que os eventos secos e chuvosos na Amaz{\^o}nia 
                         Oriental estavam associados, principalmente, a variabilidade 
                         clim{\'a}tica dos oceanos Atl{\^a}ntico (Gradiente do 
                         Atl{\^a}ntico) e Pac{\'{\i}}fico (ENOS). ABSTRACT: This paper 
                         aims to determine homogeneous regions of the SPI-6 in the Eastern 
                         Amazon and analyze the main characteristics of dry and rainy 
                         events in each region. For the calculation of the SPI, we used 
                         rainfall data of 72 rainfall stations distributed in the eastern 
                         Amazon. Furthermore, were used Ward hierarchical grouping to 
                         identify homogeneous regions and the Principal Components Factor 
                         Analysis (PCA) to determine the main climate variability patterns 
                         associated with dry and rainy events. The results showed three 
                         homogeneous regions (HR): HR-1 (coast), HR-2 (central region) and 
                         HR-3 (south). Generally, the coastal region showed more dry events 
                         than rain. In the other regions (central and south) the situation 
                         is reversed, i.e, there are more rain events, but with short 
                         duration. The results obtained by PCA showed that the dry and wet 
                         events in Eastern Amazonia were associated, mainly, to climate 
                         variability associated the Atlantic Ocean (Atlantic Dipole) and 
                         Pacific Ocean (ENSO).",
                  doi = "10.1590/0102-778632120160013",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0102-778632120160013",
                 issn = "0102-7786",
             language = "pt",
           targetfile = "santos_determinacao.pdf",
                  url = "http://www.scielo.br/pdf/rbmet/v32n1/0102-7786-rbmet-32-01-0111.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "19 abr. 2024"
