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	<metadata ReferenceType="Journal Article">
		<site>mtc-m21b.sid.inpe.br 804</site>
		<holdercode>{isadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S}</holdercode>
		<lastupdate>2018: sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2013/ simone</lastupdate>
		<metadatalastupdate>2019: sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2013/ administrator {D 2018}</metadatalastupdate>
		<title>The two-component virial theorem and the acceleration–discrepancy relation</title>
		<typeofwork>journal article</typeofwork>
		<secondarytype>PRE PI</secondarytype>
		<size>702 KiB</size>
		<author>Dantas, Christine C.,</author>
		<author>Ribeiro, André L. B.,</author>
		<author>Capelato, Hugo Vicente,</author>
		<affiliation>Departamento de Ciencia e Tecnologia Aeroespacial (DCTA)</affiliation>
		<affiliation>Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz</affiliation>
		<affiliation>Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)</affiliation>
		<journal>Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society</journal>
		<contenttype>External Contribution</contenttype>
		<keywords>galaxies: fundamental parameters, galaxies: kinematics and dynamics, dark matter.</keywords>
		<abstract>We revisit the 'two-component virial theorem' (2VT) in the light of recent theoretical and observational results related to the 'dark matter problem'. This modification of the virial theorem offers a physically meaningful framework to investigate possible dynamical couplings between the baryonic and dark matter components of extragalactic systems. In particular, we examine the predictions of the 2VT with respect to the 'acceleration-discrepancy relation' (ADR). Considering the combined data (composed of systems supported by rotation and by velocity dispersion), we find the following: (i) The overall behaviour of the 2VT is consistent with the ADR. (ii) The 2VT predicts a nearly constant behaviour in the lower acceleration regime, as suggested in recent data on dwarf spheroidals. We also briefly comment on possible differentiations between the 2VT and some modified gravity theories.</abstract>
		<archivingpolicy>allowpublisher allowfinaldraft</archivingpolicy>
		<readpermission>allow from all</readpermission>
		<documentstage>not transferred</documentstage>
		<citingitemlist>sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21/2012/ 2</citingitemlist>
		<dissemination>WEBSCI; PORTALCAPES; MGA; COMPENDEX.</dissemination>
		<agreement>agreement.html .htaccess .htaccess2</agreement>