
               author = "Rossato, Fernando and Souza, Ronald Buss de",
          affiliation = "{} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Medidas diretas e parametriza{\c{c}}{\~o}es bulk dos fluxos de 
                         calor entre o oceano e a atmosfera no atl{\^a}ntico equatorial",
            booktitle = "Anais...",
                 year = "2018",
         organization = "Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia (CBMET)",
             keywords = "Fluxos de calor entre o oceano e a atmosfera, Oceano 
                         Atl{\^a}ntico Equatorial, Projeto PIRATA, Ocean-atmosphere heat 
                         fluxes, Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, PIRATA Project.",
             abstract = "Utilizando uma torre micrometeorol{\'o}gica, medidas diretas de 
                         fluxos de calor sens{\'{\i}}vel (H) e latente (Le) foram feitas 
                         a bordo do Navio de Pesquisa Hidroceanogr{\'a}fico Vital de 
                         Oliveira, no per{\'{\i}}odo entre 14 de novembro e 6 de dezembro 
                         de 2017, em sua derrota ao longo do meridiano 38oW durante o 
                         cruzeiro XVII do projeto PIRATA Brasil (Prediction and Research 
                         Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic). Usando dados 
                         meteorol{\'o}gicos e oceanogr{\'a}ficos, os fluxos de calor 
                         tamb{\'e}m foram estimados a partir de 
                         parametriza{\c{c}}{\~o}es bulk. Este estudo descreve pela 
                         primeira vez as medidas diretas e as estimativas durante o 
                         per{\'{\i}}odo desse estudo, assim como as diferen{\c{c}}as 
                         entre H e Le obtidos atrav{\'e}s do m{\'e}todo Covari{\^a}ncia 
                         dos V{\'o}rtices (CV) e pelas parametriza{\c{c}}{\~o}es bulk. 
                         As s{\'e}ries de tempo de fluxos de calor via CV e bulk 
                         apresentaram uma variabilidade bastante semelhante, especialmente 
                         para a magnitude de Le. O m{\'e}todo bulk em geral subestimou H 
                         em rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o ao m{\'e}todo CV. O H m{\'e}dio foi 12 
                         W/mē com o m{\'e}todo CV e 5 W/mē com o bulk, e houve uma 
                         depend{\^e}ncia das s{\'e}ries com a diferen{\c{c}}a entre a 
                         TSM e a temperatura do ar. J{\'a} para Le, as magnitudes 
                         apresentadas pelos m{\'e}todos diferiram, com o m{\'e}todo bulk, 
                         na m{\'e}dia da s{\'e}rie temporal, superestimando 
                         substancialmente Le em rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o {\`a} CV (117 W/mē 
                         para bulk e 48 W/mē para CV). Para o ambos os fluxos, mas 
                         especialmente para Le, as maiores diferen{\c{c}}as entre os dois 
                         m{\'e}todos ocorreram sob condi{\c{c}}{\~o}es de ventos fortes. 
                         ABSTRACT: Using a micrometeorololical tower, direct measurements 
                         of sensible (H) and latent (Le) heat fluxes were performed onboard 
                         the Brazilian Navy Research Ship Vital de Oliveira, during the 
                         period between 14 November and 6 December 2017, along her route on 
                         the 38 oW meridian during the 17th cruise of the PIRATA Brazil 
                         (Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic) 
                         project. Using conventional meteorological and oceanographic data, 
                         the heat fluxes were also estimated from bulk parameterizations. 
                         The present study describes for the first time the direct 
                         measurements and the estimates, as well as the differences between 
                         H and Le taken from the Eddy Covariance method (EC) and by the 
                         bulk parameterizations. Both the EC and bulk time series presented 
                         a very similar variability, especially for the Le magnitude. The 
                         bulk method, in general, sub estimated H in respect to the EC 
                         method. The mean sensible heat flux was 12 W/mē for the EC method 
                         whereas it was 5 W/mē for bulk, and there were a dependency of the 
                         series with the difference between the sea surface temperature and 
                         the air temperature. For Le, the magnitudes presented by both 
                         methods differed, with the bulk method, in the temporal mean of 
                         the time series, super estimating substantially Le in respect to 
                         the EC (117 W/mē for the bulk estimate and 48 W/mē for EC). For 
                         both heat fluxes but especially for Le, the major differences 
                         between the tow methods occurred on strong wind conditions.",
  conference-location = "Macei{\'o}, AL",
      conference-year = "27-30 nov.",
           targetfile = "Rossato e Souza_CBMET_2018.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "19 abr. 2024"
