
               author = "Deggeroni, Vinicius",
                title = "Estudo do decr{\'e}scimo no fluxo de el{\'e}trons do 
                         cintur{\~a}o de radia{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Van Allen sob 
                         influ{\^e}ncia de ICMEs",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2019",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2019-03-08",
             keywords = "Cintur{\~a}o de radia{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Van Allen, dropout, fluxo 
                         de el{\'e}trons relativ{\'{\i}}sticos, Van Allen Probes, 
                         eje{\c{c}}{\~o}es de massa coronais interplanet{\'a}rias, Van 
                         Allen radiation belt, dropout, relativistic electron flow, Van 
                         Allen Probes, interplanetary coronal mass ejections.",
             abstract = "O objetivo geral deste trabalho {\'e} estudar o comportamento do 
                         fluxo de el{\'e}trons do cintur{\~a}o de radia{\c{c}}{\~a}o de 
                         Van Allen, sob a influ{\^e}ncia de Eje{\c{c}}{\~o}es de Massa 
                         Coronal Interplanet{\'a}rias - ICMEs. S{\~a}o utilizados dados 
                         do instrumento RBSP-ECT Radiation Belt Storm Probes Energetic 
                         Particles Composition \& Thermal Plasma Suite, das duas sondas 
                         g{\^e}meas da miss{\~a}o Van Allen Probes, que medem o fluxo de 
                         el{\'e}trons do cintur{\~a}o de radia{\c{c}}{\~a}o. Para 
                         quantizar a intensidade das estruturas causadoras das tempestades 
                         foram utilizados dados do {\'{\i}}ndice Dst - Disturbance Storm 
                         Time, e os par{\^a}metros do Vento Solar, tais como: densidade, 
                         temperatura, velocidade e campo magn{\'e}tico, medidos in situ, 
                         pelos sat{\'e}lites ACE - Advanced Composition Explorer e DSCOVR 
                         - Deep Space Climate Observatory. A investiga{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         desses dados visa entender os fen{\^o}menos f{\'{\i}}sicos que 
                         causam varia{\c{c}}{\~o}es no fluxo de el{\'e}trons, com o foco 
                         na perda de el{\'e}trons do cintur{\~a}o, fen{\^o}meno 
                         conhecido por dropouts. Para todo o intervalo de tempo de Agosto 
                         de 2012 a Dezembro de 2016 foram selecionados apenas eventos com 
                         presen{\c{c}}a de ICMEs, que por sua vez foram classificados 
                         quanto {\`a}s varia{\c{c}}{\~o}es observacionais no 
                         cintur{\~a}o de radia{\c{c}}{\~a}o e quanto ao tipo e 
                         presen{\c{c}}a de nuvem magn{\'e}tica geradora do 
                         dist{\'u}rbio. Para cada classe estudada foi usando o m{\'e}todo 
                         de an{\'a}lise de {\'e}poca superposta, visando assim relacionar 
                         estatisticamente eventos distintos em meios distintos. O estudo de 
                         caso para dois eventos, classificados quanto ao tipo de 
                         recupera{\c{c}}{\~a}o no cintur{\~a}o de radia{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         mostrou que a componente Bz do campo magn{\'e}tico 
                         interplanet{\'a}rio tem rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o com a variabilidade 
                         na popula{\c{c}}{\~a}o das part{\'{\i}}culas no cintur{\~a}o 
                         externo, para as duas classes estudadas. Foi tamb{\'e}m 
                         constatada a variabilidade nos el{\'e}trons 
                         relativ{\'{\i}}sticos, em todas as classes atrav{\'e}s do 
                         m{\'e}todo de an{\'a}lise de {\'e}poca superposta empregado. 
                         Foi encontrado um padr{\~a}o de resposta da an{\'a}lise de 
                         {\'e}poca superposta no cintur{\~a}o de radia{\c{c}}{\~a}o, em 
                         que a din{\^a}mica de el{\'e}trons relativ{\'{\i}}sticos para 
                         o cintur{\~a}o externo tem rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o com as 
                         varia{\c{c}}{\~o}es observadas na componente Bz do campo 
                         interplanet{\'a}rio quando negativo, principalmente para a 
                         separa{\c{c}}{\~a}o de classes quanto ao tipo de nuvem. 
                         Al{\'e}m disso, esse estudo concluiu que eventos com assinaturas 
                         de alta varia{\c{c}}{\~a}o no fluxo de el{\'e}trons no 
                         cintur{\~a}o externo, foram encontrados para per{\'{\i}}odos de 
                         maior geo-efetividade e que ICMEs contendo nuvens magn{\'e}ticas 
                         tem maior propens{\~a}o em causar dropout. ABSTRACT: The general 
                         objective of this work is to study the behavior of the electron 
                         flux of the Van Allen radiation belt under the influence of 
                         Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs).Data from the 
                         RBSP-ECT-Radiation Belt Storm Probes (Energetic Particles 
                         Composition Thermal Plasma Suite), from the two twin probes of the 
                         Van Allen Probes mission, located in the radiation belt, are 
                         used.To quantify the intensity of the storm-causing structures, 
                         the Dst-Disturbance Storm Time index will be used, and the solar 
                         wind parameters density, temperature, velocity and magnetic field, 
                         as measured by ACE satellites - Advanced Composition Explorer and 
                         DSCOVR - Deep Space Climate Observatory.The investigation of these 
                         data aims to understand the physical phenomena that cause 
                         variations in the flow of electrons, such as the focus on 
                         dropouts, loss of electrons from the belt. For the entire time 
                         period from August 2012 to December 2016, only events with 
                         presence of ICMEs were selected, which in turn were classified for 
                         the observational variations in the radiation belt and the type 
                         and presence of magnetic cloud generating the disturbance. For 
                         each class studied was using the method of analysis of overlapping 
                         time, in order to relate statistically different events in 
                         different media. The case study for two events, classified 
                         according to the type of recovery in the radiation belt, showed 
                         that the Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field is 
                         related to the variability in the population of the particles in 
                         the outer belt, for the two classes studied. Variability was also 
                         observed in relativistic electrons, in all classes through the 
                         method of superimposed time analysis employed. It was found a 
                         response pattern of the superimposed time analysis in the 
                         radiation belt, in which the dynamics of relativistic electrons 
                         for the outer belt is related to the observed variations in the 
                         component Bz of the interplanetary field when negative, mainly for 
                         the separation of classes the type of cloud. In addition, this 
                         study concluded that events with signatures of high variation in 
                         the electron flow in the outer belt were found for periods of 
                         greater geo-effectiveness and that ICMEs containing magnetic 
                         clouds are more likely to cause dropout.",
            committee = "Saba, Marcelo Magalh{\~a}es Fares (presidente) and Silva, Marlos 
                         Rockenbach da (orientador) and Schuch, Nelson Jorge (orientador) 
                         and Silva, L{\'{\i}}gia Alves da and Alves, Maria Virginia and 
                         Rojas, Fl{\'a}via Reis Cardoso",
         englishtitle = "Study of the decrease in Van Allen radiation belt electrolystem 
                         flow under ICME influence",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "131",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34R/3STB2S5",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34R/3STB2S5",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "25 abr. 2024"
