
               author = "Andreoli, Rita Val{\'e}ria and Kayano, Mary Toshie and Viegas, 
                         Juarez and Oliveira, Suzana Soares de and Souza, Rodrigo Augusto 
                         Ferreira de and Garcia, S{\^a}mia Regina and Reto, Willy Hagi 
                         Teles and Oliveira, Maria Bet{\^a}nia Leal de",
          affiliation = "{Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEAM)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de 
                         Pesquisas da Amaz{\^o}ni (INPA)} and {Instituto Nacional de 
                         Pesquisas da Amaz{\^o}ni (INPA)} and {Universidade do Estado do 
                         Amazonas (UEAM)} and {Universidade Federal de Itajub{\'a} 
                         (UNIFEI)} and {Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEAM)} and 
                         {Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEAM)}",
                title = "Effects of two different La Nina types on the South American 
              journal = "International Journal of Climatology",
                 year = "2019",
               volume = "39",
               number = "3",
                pages = "1415--1428",
                month = "mar.",
             keywords = "La Nina, precipitation, South America.",
             abstract = "The paper tests if the two La Nina (LN) types can be distinguished 
                         from each other using their climate impacts on northeastern Brazil 
                         (NEB). To this end, all LN events during the 1901-2010 period 
                         followed by a wet or dry rainy season (from February to April) in 
                         NEB are classified into two categories: WET-LN and DRY-LN. The 
                         global and regional anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns and 
                         the rainfall anomaly patterns in South America associated with the 
                         two cases are analysed. The WET-LN and DRY-LN events present, 
                         respectively, the eastern Pacific LN and central Pacific LN sea 
                         surface temperature (SST) anomaly features in the tropical 
                         Pacific. On the other hand, the WET-LN features an 
                         interhemispheric SST dipole pattern in the tropical Atlantic, and 
                         the DRY-LN, colder-than-normal surface waters in the tropical 
                         South Atlantic (TSA) and equatorial Atlantic during MAM(+1). The 
                         two analysed cases show regional differential circulation patterns 
                         in all seasons. The anomalous wetness over northern and 
                         northwestern South America occurs for the WET-LN type during 
                         JJA(0)-DJF(+1) and for the DRY-LN type, during DJF(+1)-MAM(+1). 
                         The anomalous dryness over SESA is more evident for the WET-LN 
                         during JJA(0) and MAM(+1), and for the DRY-LN, during SON(0). 
                         Anomalous dryness occurs in central and eastern South America 
                         noted during JJA(0) and DJF(+1) for both cases analysed. The 
                         precipitation anomalies in northern South America during DJF(+1) 
                         are stronger and more extensive for the DRY-LN than for the WET-LN 
                         events due to the action of both the anomalous (double) Walker and 
                         Hadley cells for the DRY-LN, in contrast with the exclusive action 
                         of an anomalous Walker cell for the WET-LN case. Also, a double 
                         Walker cell drives the dry-wet dipole between northern South 
                         America and NEB during MAM(+1) for the DRY-LN. Our results might 
                         be useful mainly for climate monitoring purposes. 
                  doi = "10.1002/joc.5891",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/joc.5891",
                 issn = "0899-8418",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "Andreoli_et_al-2019-International_Journal_of_Climatology.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "21 set. 2024"
