
               author = "Concei{\c{c}}{\~a}o Santos, Fredson and Muella, M{\'a}rcio T. 
                         A. H. and Resende, Laysa Cristina Ara{\'u}jo and Fagundes, Paulo 
                         Roberto and Andrioli, Vania F{\'a}tima and Batista, Paulo Prado 
                         and Pillat, Valdir G. and Carrasco, Alexander J.",
          affiliation = "{Universidade do Vale do Para{\'{\i}}ba (UNIVAP)} and 
                         {Universidade do Vale do Para{\'{\i}}ba (UNIVAP)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Universidade do Vale 
                         do Para{\'{\i}}ba (UNIVAP)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas 
                         Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 
                         (INPE)} and {Universidade do Vale do Para{\'{\i}}ba (UNIVAP)} 
                         and {Universidad de Los Andes}",
                title = "Occurrence and modeling examination of sporadic-E layers in the 
                         region of the South America (Atlantic) magnetic anomaly",
              journal = "Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics",
                 year = "2019",
               volume = "124",
               number = "11",
                pages = "9676--9694",
                month = "Nov.",
             keywords = "E-region model, meteor radar, SAMA region, sporadic-E layer, tidal 
             abstract = "In this work, the occurrence of different types of sporadic-E 
                         layers (Es) was described for two stations located in the region 
                         of the South America Magnetic Anomaly: Jatai and Sao Jose dos 
                         Campos. The results show the hourly and monthly values of the Es 
                         occurrences and presented five types of layers (cusp, high, flat, 
                         low, and slant), with the flat/low types (Es-f/l) being the most 
                         frequent over both stations. We also analyzed the Es layer 
                         parameters of blanketing frequency (f(b)Es) and top frequency 
                         (f(t)Es) obtained from ionosonde data during storm-time periods, 
                         in order to investigate possible evidences of energetic 
                         particle-induced E-layer ionization. The results revealed 
                         increases in the values of the nighttime f(t)Es and f(b)Es, which 
                         can be related to the particle precipitation in the South America 
                         Magnetic Anomaly region. Additionally, we investigated the roles 
                         of the wind shear mechanism in the formation of the Es types by 
                         using a modified form of the Ionospheric E-Region Model (MIRE), 
                         which incorporates tidal winds obtained from meteor radar data. 
                         Furthermore, the electron densities deduced from f(b)Es parameter 
                         were compared with the maximum electron densities obtained from 
                         MIRE simulations. Depending on local time and season, the initial 
                         results revealed for both stations some discrepancies between 
                         modeled and measured electron densities. However, a better fitting 
                         was obtained when the amplitudes of the zonal/meridional wind 
                         components were adjusted by some factor, which may be attributed 
                         to the possible effects of day-to-day tidal wind variability and 
                         their interaction with gravity and planetary waves.",
                  doi = "10.1029/2018JA026397",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2018JA026397",
                 issn = "2169-9402",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "santos_occurrence-compactado.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "19 set. 2024"
