
               author = "Sales, Domingo Cassain",
                title = "O papel dos oceanos tropicais no deficit de 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o sobre a Regi{\~a}o Nordeste do Brasil 
                         durante o outono austral de 2012 a 2017",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2020",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2019-12-19",
             keywords = "Nordeste brasileiro, variabilidade interanual de 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o, modelo de circula{\c{c}}{\~a}o geral 
                         da atmosfera, previs{\~a}o clim{\'a}tica sazonal, Northeast 
                         Brazil, precipitation interannual variability, atmospheric general 
                         circulation model, seasonal climate forecasting.",
             abstract = "Este trabalho analisa o d{\'e}ficit de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         na Subregi{\~a}o Norte do Nordeste do Brasil (NNEB) durante o 
                         outono austral de 2012 a 2017, por meio de uma an{\'a}lise 
                         observacional e de experimentos diagn{\'o}sticos e 
                         progn{\'o}sticos com o Modelo de Circula{\c{c}}{\~a}o Geral da 
                         Atmosfera do Centro de Previs{\~a}o de Tempo e Estudos 
                         Clim{\'a}ticos/Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (MCGA do 
                         CPTEC/INPE). O foco do trabalho consiste em responder as seguintes 
                         quest{\~o}es: qual o papel dos bacias oce{\^a}nicas tropicais no 
                         d{\'e}ficit de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o sobre o NNEB, durante o 
                         outono austral de 2012 a 2017? Foi poss{\'{\i}}vel prever as 
                         anomalias de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o no NEB com um m{\^e}s de 
                         anteced{\^e}ncia, no per{\'{\i}}odo de estudo? Nos experimentos 
                         diagn{\'o}sticos (que prescrevem a TSM observada como 
                         condi{\c{c}}{\~a}o de limite inferior para o MCGA do 
                         CPTEC/INPE), os quais foram desenhados para responder a primeira 
                         pergunta, a resposta isolada e combinada das for{\c{c}}antes 
                         tropicais das bacias oce{\^a}nicas sobre a 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o e outras vari{\'a}veis atmosf{\'e}ricas 
                         (como press{\~a}o do n{\'{\i}}vel do mar, 
                         circula{\c{c}}{\~a}o de baixos n{\'{\i}}veis, umidade 
                         espec{\'{\i}}fica e anomalias de {\^o}mega) foram analisadas. 
                         Foram encontrados que, para os anos de 2012 e 2013, o 
                         Atl{\^a}ntico apresentou-se como a principal for{\c{c}}ante 
                         oce{\^a}nica a modular anomalias negativas de 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o sobre o NEB (para este {\'u}ltimo ano, o 
                         oceano {\'{\I}}ndico tamb{\'e}m atuou no sentido de inibir a 
                         convec{\c{c}}{\~a}o sobre o NEB). Para os anos de 2014 at{\'e} 
                         2017, os oceanos Pac{\'{\i}}fico e {\'{\I}}ndico atuaram no 
                         sentido de modular anomalias negativas de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         sobre o NEB, enquanto que o Atl{\^a}ntico modulou anomalias 
                         positivas. No experimento progn{\'o}stico (que persiste a 
                         anomalia de TSM observada em janeiro do ano em estudo at{\'e} o 
                         per{\'{\i}}odo de fevereiro a maio do mesmo ano), a resposta das 
                         anomalias de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o sobre o NNEB foi 
                         investigada, tentando antecipar os pap{\'e}is isolados do oceano 
                         Pac{\'{\i}}fico, do oceano Atl{\^a}ntico (caracterizado por 
                         dipolos definidos), bem como a influ{\^e}ncia combinada das duas 
                         bacias oce{\^a}nicas. Al{\'e}m disso, na tentativa de 
                         alcan{\c{c}}ar condi{\c{c}}{\~o}es oce{\^a}nicas mais 
                         pr{\'o}ximas da realidade (ao inv{\'e}s de persistir a anomalia 
                         de TSM), uma abordagem de decaimento exponencial sobre a anomalia 
                         de TSM observada em janeiro foi aplicada para o ano 
                         espec{\'{\i}}fico de 2015. Em todos os 6 anos, o modelo 
                         conseguiu prognosticar d{\'e}ficit de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         sobre o NEB. Al{\'e}m desses resultados, foram encontrados 
                         tr{\^e}s grupos de anos semelhantes: 2012 e 2013 (nos quais as 
                         condi{\c{c}}{\~o}es oce{\^a}nicas do Atl{\^a}ntico tropical 
                         apresentaram-se como for{\c{c}}ante dominante, caso fosse 
                         desenvolvido um padr{\~a}o do tipo dipolo), 2014 e 2017 (onde as 
                         condi{\c{c}}{\~o}es oce{\^a}nicas do Atl{\^a}ntico 
                         apresentaram-se como as for{\c{c}}antes predominantes na 
                         subregi{\~a}o do NNEB, enquanto que as influ{\^e}ncias da 
                         persist{\^e}ncia das condi{\c{c}}{\~o}es do Pac{\'{\i}}fico 
                         prevaleceram na subregi{\~a}o do SNEB) e 2015 e 2016 (nos quais 
                         as condi{\c{c}}{\~o}es do Pac{\'{\i}}fico prevaleceram devido 
                         ao desenvolvimento de um El Niņo). Os resultados dos experimentos 
                         desenvolvidos neste trabalho contribu{\'{\i}}ram para o 
                         entendimento da rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o entre as anomalias de TSM e 
                         anomalias de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o sobre o NNEB, identificando 
                         a bacia oce{\^a}nica respons{\'a}vel pelo d{\'e}ficit de 
                         precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o observado, al{\'e}m de ilustrar o 
                         potencial do uso de informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es de anomalias de TSM 
                         recentemente observadas para for{\c{c}}ar o modelo e antecipar 
                         d{\'e}ficit de precipita{\c{c}}{\~a}o na perspectiva da 
                         previs{\~a}o clim{\'a}tica sazonal. ABSTRACT: This work analyzes 
                         the precipitation deficit over the northern part of northeast 
                         Brazil (NNEB) during 2012-2017 austral autumn, through an 
                         observational analysis and diagnostic and prognostic experiments 
                         with the Centro de Previs{\~a}o de Tempo e Estudos 
                         Clim{\'a}ticos/Instituto National de Pesquisas Espaciais 
                         Atmospheric General Circulation Model (CPTEC/INPE AGCM). The focus 
                         of the work is to answer the following questions: what is the role 
                         of tropical ocean basins in the precipitation deficit over NNEB 
                         subregion, during the austral autumn from to 2012 to 2017 period? 
                         Was it possible to forecast the precipitation anomalies over NEB 
                         one month in advance, during the study period? In the diagnostic 
                         experiments (which prescribe the observed SST as a lower boundary 
                         condition for the CPTEC/INPE AGCM), which were designed to answer 
                         the first question, the isolated and combined response of the 
                         tropical forcing of the ocean basins over the precipitation and 
                         other atmospheric variables (like, sea level pressure, low level 
                         circulation, specific humidity and omega anomalies) were analyze. 
                         It was found that, for the years 2012 and 2013, the Atlantic 
                         presented as the main ocean forcing to modulate negative 
                         precipitation anomalies over NEB (for this last year, the Indian 
                         Ocean also acted to inhibit the convection over the NEB). For the 
                         years 2014 to 2017, the Pacific and Indian Oceans acted to 
                         modulated negative precipitation anomalies over the NEB, while the 
                         Atlantic modulated positive anomalies. In the prognostic 
                         experiments (which persists the SST anomaly observed in January of 
                         the year in study through the February to May of the same year) 
                         the precipitation anomalies response over NNEB were investigate 
                         trying to anticipate the isolated roles of the Pacific Ocean, 
                         Atlantic Ocean (characterized by pre-defined dipoles), as well as 
                         the comined influence of the two ocean basins. Additionally, in an 
                         attempt to represent ocean conditions closer to reality (instead 
                         to the persisting the SST anomaly), an exponential decay approach 
                         to the January observed SST anomaly was applied for the specific 
                         year of 2015. In all 6 years, the model was able to predict 
                         precipitation deficit over the NEB. Three groups of similar years 
                         were found: 2012 and 2013 (in which the oceanic conditions of the 
                         tropical Atlantic were the dominant forcing, if a dipole pattern 
                         were developed), 2014 and 2017 (where the oceanic conditions of 
                         the Atlantic presented as the predominant forcing over the NNEB 
                         subregion, while the influences of the persistence of Pacific 
                         conditions prevailed in the SNEB subregion), and 2015 and 2016 (in 
                         which Pacific conditions prevailed due to the development of an El 
                         Niņo event). The results of the experiments developed in this work 
                         contributed to the understanding of the relationship between SST 
                         anomalies and precipitation anomalies over the NNEB subregion, 
                         identifying the ocean basin responsible for the observed rainfall 
                         deficit, in addition to illustrating the potential of using SST 
                         anomalies information recently observed to force the model and 
                         anticipate precipitation deficit from the perspective of seasonal 
                         climate forecasting. The model results contributed for the 
                         understanding of the relationship between SST and precipitation 
                         anomalies over NNEB by identifying the ocean basin driving the 
                         observed precipitation deficit, as well as illustrated the 
                         potential for the use of recently observed SST anomaly information 
                         to force the model and antecipate the manifested precipitation 
                         deficit from the perspective of seasonal climate forecasting.",
            committee = "Pezzi, Luciano Ponzi (presidente) and Coelho, Caio Augusto dos 
                         Santos (orientador) and Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque 
                         and Camargo, Ricardo de and Sakamoto, Meiry Sayuri",
         englishtitle = "The role of tropical oceans in precipitation deficit over the 
                         northeast Brazil region during the austral autumn from 2012 to 
             language = "pt",
                pages = "312",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34R/3UPM47L",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34R/3UPM47L",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "26 abr. 2024"
