
               author = "Furtado Neto, Alirio Ten{\'o}rio and Moura, Jos{\'e} Mauro Sousa 
                         de and Silva, Rodrigo da and Oliveira J{\'u}nior, Raimundo Cosme 
                         de and Gatti, Luciana Vanni and R{\"o}ckmann, Thomas",
          affiliation = "{Universidade Federal do Oeste do Par{\'a} (UFOPA)} and 
                         {Universidade Federal do Oeste do Par{\'a} (UFOPA)} and 
                         {Universidade Federal do Oeste do Par{\'a} (UFOPA)} and {Empresa 
                         Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecu{\'a}ria (EMBRAPA)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Universidade de 
                title = "Produ{\c{c}}{\~a}o e fluxo de metano na Floresta Nacional do 
              journal = "Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia",
                 year = "2019",
               volume = "34",
               number = "4",
                pages = "585--596",
                month = "out./dez.",
                 note = "{Production and flux of methane in the tapaj{\'o}s national 
             keywords = "ciclo biogeoqu{\'{\i}}mico, ecossistema florestal, emiss{\~a}o 
                         de metano, biogeochemical cycle, forest ecosystem, methane 
             abstract = "O metano {\'e} o segundo g{\'a}s de efeito estufa e sua 
                         concentra{\c{c}}{\~a}o na atmosfera aumentou 259% desde 1750. A 
                         m{\'e}dia global da fra{\c{c}}{\~a}o molar de CH4 atingiu um 
                         novo recorde de 1813 ± 2 ppb em 2011. Este trabalho objetiva 
                         quantificar a concentra{\c{c}}{\~a}o e fluxo de metano no perfil 
                         vertical da floresta prim{\'a}ria tropical (Floresta Nacional do 
                         Tapaj{\'o}s), assim como, determinar a emiss{\~a}o de metano na 
                         interface solo-atmosfera durante o per{\'{\i}}odo chuvoso e de 
                         estiagem para o ano de 2012. Amostras de ar foram coletadas in 
                         situ diretamente do solo atrav{\'e}s do uso de c{\^a}maras 
                         est{\'a}ticas e no perfil vertical da floresta em tr{\^e}s 
                         alturas diferentes (2 m, 16 m e 36 m) e acima da copa (63 m) 
                         atrav{\'e}s do uso da torre micrometeorol{\'o}gica de 65 m. 
                         Posteriormente, as amostras de ar foram analisadas por 
                         cromatografia gasosa. A concentra{\c{c}}{\~a}o de metano na 
                         estratifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o vertical da vegeta{\c{c}}{\~a}o foi 
                         de 1,866 ± 0,038 ppm e o fluxo foi ~ 15,50 mg de CH4.m-2 d-1 e a 
                         emiss{\~a}o de metano no solo foi 0,45 ± 0,71 mg de CH4 m-2 d-1. 
                         Portanto, no per{\'{\i}}odo de estudo o ecossistema florestal de 
                         terra-firme atuou como fonte de CH4 para atmosfera. ABSTRACT: 
                         Methane is the second most powerful greenhouse gas and its 
                         concentration in the atmosphere has increased 259% since 1750. The 
                         overall average of the molar fraction of CH4 reached a new record 
                         of 1813 ± 2 ppb in 2011. This study aims to quantify the 
                         concentration and flux of methane in the vertical profile of a 
                         tropical primary forest (Tapaj{\'o}s National Forest), as well as 
                         to determine the emission of methane in the air-soil interface 
                         during the rainy season and the dry season for the year 2012. Air 
                         samples were collected at the air-soil, interface using static 
                         chambers and throughout the vertical profile of the forest at 
                         three different heights (2 m, 16 m, and 36 m) and at above the 
                         canopy (63 m) accessed by a 65 m micrometeorological tower. 
                         Subsequently, the air samples were analyzed by gas chromatography. 
                         The concentration of methane in the vertical stratification of the 
                         vegetation was 1.866 ± 0,038 ppm and the flux was ~ 15.50 mg de 
                         CH4.m-2 d-1 and the emission of methane the soil was 0.45 ± 0,71 
                         mg CH4.m-2 d-1. Therefore, for the period of study, the ecosystem 
                         of upland forest acted as a source of CH4 to the atmosphere.",
                  doi = "10.1590/0102-7786344071",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0102-7786344071",
                 issn = "0102-7786",
             language = "pt",
           targetfile = "furtado_producao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "27 abr. 2024"
