
%0 Journal Article
%4 sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21d/2023/
%2 sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21d/2023/
%@doi 10.18721/JPM.153.302
%@issn 2618-8686
%T Formation of Pb-Sn Janus particles on the surface of lead-tin telluride films during ion-plasma sputtering
%D 2022
%9 journal article
%A Belov, Yaroslav D.,
%A Zimin, Sergey P.,
%A Amirov, Ildar I.,
%A Naumov, Victor V.,
%A Abramof, Eduardo,
%A Rappl, Paulo Henrique de Oliveira,
%@affiliation Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS
%@affiliation Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS
%@affiliation Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS
%@affiliation Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS
%@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%@electronicmailaddress yadbelov@gmail.com
%@electronicmailaddress zimin@uniyar.ac.ru
%@electronicmailaddress ildamirov@yandex.ru
%@electronicmailaddress vvnau@rambler.ru
%@electronicmailaddress eduardo.abramof@inpe.br
%@electronicmailaddress paulo.rappl@inpe.br
%B St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Journal: Physics and Mathematics
%V 15
%N 3
%P 13-17
%K lead-tin telluride, Janus particles, ion-plasma treatment, ion energy.
%X The formation of Janus-like particles of Pb-Sn during ion-plasma treatment of the surface of lead-tin telluride films was found. Pb0.6Sn0.4Te films 2 μm thick were grown on (111) BaF2 substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. The ion-plasma treatment of the samples was carried out in a high-density low-pressure radio frequency inductively coupled plasma at an ion energy of 75 eV and 25 eV. The duration of the sputtering process was 240 s. The evolution of the film surface morphology and.
%@language en
%3 St.Petersburg_2022.pdf
