
               author = "Souza, Ulisses Denache Vieira and Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Geobia e minera{\c{c}}{\~a}o de dados na 
                         classifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o da cobertura do solo urbano em S{\~a}o 
                         Luis (MA) com imagens WorldView-2 e o sistema Interimage",
              journal = "RBC: Revista Brasileira de Cartografia",
                 year = "2014",
               volume = "66",
               number = "3",
                pages = "433--450",
                month = "maio/jun.",
                 note = "Setores de Atividade: Administra{\c{c}}{\~a}o p{\'u}blica, 
                         defesa e seguridade social. and Informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es 
                         Adicionais: Abstract: Urban areas are characteristic spaces under 
                         dynamic changes. Such areas are especially fragile when they are 
                         located in coastal regions with mangrove vegetation and dune 
                         ecosystems. Data processing of WorldView-2 satellite systems 
                         considers the GEOBIA paradigm. In this study, the following 
                         multispectral data from this satellite were used: bands red, green 
                         and blue in the visible spectrum and a near infrared band. The 
                         objective of this study was to evaluate the capability of these 
                         datasets for the classification of land use/land cover in an urban 
                         coastal area. Two test sites were considered at the northern 
                         section of S{\~a}o Luis city (Maranh{\~a}o State, Brazil). 
                         Initially tests were made with a classification model, considering 
                         only those tools implemented at the InterIMAGE software package 
                         (Test A1 and B1). For comparison purposes, a model was developed, 
                         based on the results of data mining by decision tree, with a 
                         minimum number of leaves, which indicates the best thresholds and 
                         atributes for image classification. This model was adapted to the 
                         concept of the InterIMAGE software (Test A11 and B11). After a 
                         statistical evaluation, those classifications with highest Kappa 
                         indices were considered, namely: test A11 (0,8354) and B11 
                         (0,8446). So it was possible to customize the atributes validated 
                         earlier at the land cover classification to the model used to map 
                         land use, obtaining Kappa indicesof 0,7924 for {\'a}rea A and 
                         0,7631 for {\'a}rea B..",
             keywords = "WorldView-2, Minera{\c{c}}{\~a}o de dados, GEOBIA - Geographic 
                         Object-based Image Analysis, Manguezais, Dunas, S{\~a}o Luis 
             abstract = "As {\'a}reas urbanas caracterizam-se por ser um espa{\c{c}}o em 
                         transforma{\c{c}}{\~a}o. Quando est{\~a}o localizadas em 
                         ambientes costeiros, tornam-se ainda mais fr{\'a}geis pela 
                         presen{\c{c}}a de ecossistemas como os manguezais e as dunas. 
                         Para o processamento e a avalia{\c{c}}{\~a}o de dados dos novos 
                         sensores orbitais utiliza-se o paradigma de GEOBIA. Neste trabalho 
                         foram usadas imagens do sat{\'e}lite WorldView-II de alta 
                         resolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o espacial com 0,50m de resolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         e oito bandas multiespectrais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar 
                         a capacidade do uso dessas imagens aliadas a t{\'e}cnicas de 
                         minera{\c{c}}{\~a}o de dados, para a classifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         da cobertura do solo urbano em {\'a}reas urbanas costeiras. Os 
                         testes foram realizados em duas {\'a}reas-piloto no setor norte 
                         da cidade de S{\~a}o Lu{\'{\i}}s - MA (Ilha do Maranh{\~a}o). 
                         Inicialmente foram realizados testes com um modelo de 
                         classifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o para as {\'a}reas-piloto, considerando 
                         somente uma an{\'a}lise explorat{\'o}ria a partir das 
                         ferramentas implementadas no software InterIMAGE (Teste AI e BI). 
                         Para efeito de compara{\c{c}}{\~a}o, foi elaborado um modelo de 
                         conhecimento que, com base nos resultados da minera{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         de dados por {\'a}rvore de decis{\~a}o com um n{\'u}mero 
                         m{\'{\i}}nimo de folhas, indicava os melhores limiares e 
                         atributos para classifi car as imagens. Este modelo foi adaptado a 
                         concep{\c{c}}{\~a}o do software InterIMAGE (Teste AII e BII). 
                         Atrav{\'e}s de avalia{\c{c}}{\~o}es estat{\'{\i}}sticas foi 
                         poss{\'{\i}}vel optar pelas classifica{\c{c}}{\~o}es com maior 
                         precis{\~a}o que obtiveram {\'{\i}}ndices Kappa de 0,8354 
                         (teste AII) e 0,8446 (teste BII). Desta forma foi 
                         poss{\'{\i}}vel customizar os atributos anteriormente validados 
                         na classifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o de cobertura da terra, obtendo-se 
                         {\'{\i}}ndices Kappade 0,7924 para {\'a}rea A e 0,7631 para 
                         {\'a}rea B. ABSTRACT: Urban areas are characteristic spaces under 
                         dynamic changes. Such areas are especially fragile when they are 
                         located in coastal regions with mangrove vegetation and dune 
                         ecosystems. Data processing of the new high resolution remote 
                         sensing satellite systems considers the GEOBIA paradigm. In this 
                         study, the following multispectral data from the WorldView-II 
                         satellite were used: bands Red, Green and Blue in the visible 
                         spectrum and a near infrared band. The objective of this study was 
                         to evaluate the capability of these datasets for the classifi 
                         cation of land use/land cover in urban coastal areas. Two 
                         test-sites were considered at the northern section of S{\~a}o 
                         Lu{\'{\i}}s city (Maranh{\~a}o State, Brazil). Initially tests 
                         were made with a classifi cation model, considering only those 
                         tools implemented at the InterIMAGE classification software (Tests 
                         AI and BI). For comparison purposes a model was developed, based 
                         on the results of data mining by decision tree, with a minimum 
                         number of leaves, which indicates the best thresholds and 
                         attributes for image classification. This model was adapted to the 
                         concept of the InterIMAGE software (Tests AII and BII). After a 
                         statistical evaluation, those classifi cations with highest Kappa 
                         indices were considered, namely: test AII (0.8354) and BII 
                         (0.8446). So it was possible to customize the attributes validated 
                         earlier at the land cover classifi cation to the model used to map 
                         land use, obtaining Kappa indices of 0.7924 for area A and 0.7631 
                         for area B.",
                 issn = "1808-0936",
                label = "lattes: 3233696672067020 2 SouzaKux:2014:GeMiDa",
             language = "pt",
                  url = "http://www.lsie.unb.br/rbc/index.php/rbc/article/view/913/691",
        urlaccessdate = "06 maio 2024"
