
               author = "Franchito, Sergio Henrique and Gan, Manoel Alonso and Fernandez, 
                         Julio Pablo Reyes and Rao, V. Brahmanada and Santo, Cl{\'o}vis M. 
                         E. dos",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto Nacional de 
                         Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Rainstorms during spring in Sao Paulo State, Brazil: a case study 
                         of 27-28 September 2015",
              journal = "International Journal of Geography and Environmental Management",
                 year = "2017",
               volume = "3",
               number = "2",
                pages = "12--25",
             abstract = "Rainstorms were observed in Sao Paulo State, Brazil (53oW-44oW; 
                         20oS-25oS) during 27-28 September 2015. This was the second event 
                         of simultaneous strong storms in September 2015, but with smaller 
                         scope compared to that in 7-8 September 2015. Even thus, the 
                         impact was harmful in many regions of Sao Paulo State. In this 
                         paper the atmospheric conditions responsible for the intense 
                         rainfall and their social consequences were analyzed. The results 
                         showed that the storms affected most of Sao Paulo State causing 
                         floods and threw down trees, affecting the distribution of 
                         electric energy. The cause of the intense rainfall was a strong 
                         squall line moving from Parana State to Sao Paulo State. Strong 
                         divergence at high levels over the region of the squall line was 
                         responsible for the severe weather conditions. The WRF model was 
                         used to simulate the severe weather conditions on 27-28 September 
                         2015. The results showed that model simulations and observations 
                         are in a good agreement indicating that the model may be an 
                         important tool to be used to forecast severe weather events in 
                         future. The use of WRF model for theses purposes forms part of a 
                         co-operative project between National Institute for Space Research 
                         (INPE) institution and Energisa Power Company aimed to mitigate 
                         the effects of adverse weather conditions.",
                 issn = "2505-8821",
                label = "lattes: 5465249419038855 1 FranchitoGanFerRaoSan:2017:CaSt27",
             language = "en",
                  url = "http://www.iiardpub.org",
        urlaccessdate = "19 set. 2024"
