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A expressão de busca foi < forest water data:rainfall throughfall stream water chemistry data two small catchments sao paulo state atlantic forest brazil urban natural:>.
9 referências similares encontradas (inclusive a original) buscando em 17 dentre 17 Arquivos.
Data e hora local de busca: 04/06/2024 00:37.
Rainfall, throughfall and stream water chemistry data from two small catchments in São Paulo state Atlantic Forest (Brazil): urban and natural
Forti, M. C.

Relatório - sem Qualis - 2017 - Como citar? - BibTeX - acessar - Atualizar - Similaridade: 1.00

Rainfall, throughfall and stream water chemistry data from two small catchments in São Paulo state Atlantic Forest (Brazil): urban and natural - wet-only collector at State Park of Serra do Mar Núcleo Cunha - CN
Forti, M. C.

Dados - sem Qualis - Acesso restrito - acessar - Atualizar - Similaridade: 0.65

Rainfall, Throughfall and stream water chemistry data from two small catchment in São Paulo state Atlantic Forest (Brazil): urban and natural - throughfall data Bulk collector at State Park of Serra do Mar Núcleo Cunha - CN
Forti, M. C.

Dados - sem Qualis - Acesso restrito - acessar - Atualizar - Similaridade: 0.62

Rainfall, Throughfall and stream water chemistry data from two small catchment in São Paulo state Atlantic Forest (Brazil): urban and natural - troughfall bulk collector at State Park of Fontes do Ipiranga - PEFI
Forti, M. C.

Dados - sem Qualis - Acesso restrito - acessar - Atualizar - Similaridade: 0.58

Rainfall, Throughfall and stream water chemistry data from two small catchment in São Paulo state Atlantic Forest (Brazil): urban and natural - manual bottle at State Park of Fontes do Ipiranga - PEFI
Forti, M. C.

Dados - sem Qualis - Acesso restrito - acessar - Atualizar - Similaridade: 0.58

Rainfall, Throughfall and stream water chemistry data from two small catchment in São Paulo state Atlantic Forest (Brazil): urban and natural - wet-only collector at State Park of Fontes do Ipiranga - PEFI
Forti, M. C.

Dados - sem Qualis - Acesso restrito - acessar - Atualizar - Similaridade: 0.58

Rainfall, Throughfall and stream water chemistry data from two small catchment in São Paulo state Atlantic Forest (Brazil): urban and natural - bulk collector at State Park of Fontes do Ipiranga - PEFI
Forti, M. C.

Dados - sem Qualis - Acesso restrito - acessar - Atualizar - Similaridade: 0.58

Rainfall, Throughfall and stream water chemistry data from two small catchment in São Paulo state Atlantic Forest (Brazil): urban and natural - manual bottle at State Park of Serra do Mar Núcleo Cunha - CN
Forti, M. C.

Dados - sem Qualis - Acesso restrito - acessar - Atualizar - Similaridade: 0.58

Rainfall, Throughfall and stream water chemistry data from two small catchment in São Paulo state Atlantic Forest (Brazil): urban and natural - bulk collector at State Park of Serra do Mar Núcleo Cunha - CN
Forti, M. C.

Dados - sem Qualis - Acesso restrito - acessar - Atualizar - Similaridade: 0.58